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Slang adalah kata atau frase yang digunakan secara informal dalam suatu bahasa. Suatu slang pada awalnya terbentuk dan populer dalam suatu komunitas, barulah kemudian secara umum digunakan sebagai bahasa informal. Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, seseorang sebaiknya juga mengenal slang-slang yang biasa digunakan oleh English Speaker (pembicara Bahasa Inggris) untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman dalam berkomunikasi. Oleh karena itu, dalam artikel ini, kami bermaksud merangkum beberapa slang yang umum digunakan sekarang ini.
Airhead – Orang bodoh atau orang bisu.
He is such an airhead he doesn’t attend his brother’s marriage.
All-nighter – Belajar semalaman (biasanya sebelum ujian)
She was asleep in the class after pulling an all-nighter
Ball – Saat menyenangkan
They had a ball in Bali.
Bazillion – Digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang sangat banyak.
I get a bazillion messages on my phone today.
Beemer – Mobil BMW
His father just gave him a beemer as a present.
Big guns – Orang-orang yang memiliki kekuasaan
They are the big guns in this city.
Bitch – Bergosip
They bitch about you almost all the time.
Bonkers – Menjadi gila
She has gone bonkers because she doesn’t pass the examination.
Break – Kesempatan atau peluang
I have a break to study abroad.
Bummed – Sedih atau kecewa
Your parents would be bummed because of you.
Cheesy – Ketinggalan jaman, terlalu sering digunakan, atau murah
I think this dress is cheesy.
Chicken – Julukan untuk seseorang yang penakut atau paranoid.
You’re too much of a chicken to climb the tree.
Con – Menipu
He tried to con me but he failed.
Couch Potato – Seseorang yang tidak melakukan apa-apa selain menonton tv.
Your brother seems like a couch potato.
Crap – Kebohongan
Whatever he says, don’t believe it. It must be a crap.
Crash – Tidur di rumah orang lain
I crashed in my uncle’s house last night.
Crash – Menerobos masuk ke suatu tempat
Someone crashed to her party yesterday.
Croak – Meninggal
Their headmaster croaked in the school last week.
Cruising – Berada di mobil yang melaju kencang
He’s cruising to the hospital.
Cushy – Mudah
The teacher gives her students such a cushy question.
Deck – Memukul wajah (seseorang)
Once you disturb him, he’ll deck you.
Deep Pockets – Orang yang punya banyak uang
Take it easy man! Your parents have deep pockets to help you.
Dinosaur – Sesuatu atau seseorang yang sudah sangat tua.
My mobile phone has been a dinosaur.
Dough - Uang
Do you have enough dough to pay the rent?
Ditch – Meninggalkan atau mengabaikan sesuatu
I don’t wanna hear anymore you ditch your sister for her.
Dynamite – Mengagumkan atau luar biasa
Your performance was a dynamit.
Earful – Teguran atau cacian
The teacher gave the naughty students an earful.
Eyeball – Melihat dan mengagumi
She is eyeballing the man who is playing basketball.
Eye Popping – Mengherankan atau luar biasa
How you saved her from the danger was eye-popping.
Fender-Bender – Tabrakan atau kecelakaan kecil antar kendaraan.
I had a fender-bender yesterday so that I didn’t go to the college.
Flicks – Film atau Bioskop
I wanna go to the flicks with my sister.
Freebie – Sesuatu yang diberikan secara gratis
There is no freebie nowadays.
Gig – Pekerjaan
He hasn’t had any gig since he was fired last year.
Glitch – Kerusakan atau masalah
That product has some glitches.
Go Bananas – Menggila
I worry the students will go bananas if the teacher leaves the class.
Goof Off – Buang-buang waktu
Don’t goof off. Do your work, now!
Grand – Seribu (uang)
You’re lucky! He gave you 100 grand without doing anything.
Gross Out – Waktu yang sangat buruk
I will not go to that place anymore. It reminds me a gross out.
Grub - Makanan
I need some grub. I’m very hungry.
Guts - Keberanian
I was surprised that you had the guts to meet him.
Hang out – Menghabiskan waktu bersama di suatu tempat
I was hanging up with my friends when you came to my home.
Heave - Muntah
Sorry, but I feel like I wanna heave
Hot – Menarik, cantik, seksi
He is falling in love with that hot dancer.
Hustle – Pergi cepat (terburu-buru)
I don’t know. He just hustled without telling me what happened.
Idiot Box - Televisi
Why do you just watch that idiot box?
Icky – Menjengkelkan atau tidak menyenangkan
The teacher is thinking how to handle that icky student.
In – Sesuai fashion.
The people laugh because your dress is not in.
Jam – Berada dalam masalah atau mendengarkan musik ramai-ramai.
Don’t disturb me! I’m in a jam right now.
Jock – Orang yang sangat suka berolahraga
My friends are true jocks.
John - Toilet
I’m looking for a john. Show me, please!
Joint -Bar
His father forbids him going to the joint.
Junkie – Orang yang kecanduan narkoba
He is a junkie. Don’t go with him!
K – Seribu (nilai uang)
You need 10K to go there.
Kegger – Sebuah pesta yang minuman utamanya adalah bir
Her parents got angry to find her in a kegger.
Kick Back - Rileks
Kick back, man! Don’t be nervous!
Knuckle Sandwich – Pukulan yang diarahkan ke mulut
My friend got a knuckle sandwich from his rival.
Line – Cerita atau alasan yang tidak benar
I don’t wanna hear that boring line anymore.
Lip – Berbicara dengan tidak hormat / sopan
She’s your mother. I don’t wanna see you giving lip to her anymore.
Meltdown – Sesuatu yang mengalami penurunan drastis
The number of students at that school is in meltdown.
Mickey Mouse – Sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal
What he says is mickey mouse.
Neat – Baik / bagus (sekali)
The music is neat. I like it.
Nuts - Gila
Don’t be nuts. That’s dangerous for you.
Oddball – Orang aneh
I don’t like that guy. He’s an oddball.
Pad – Tempat tinggal
Can I stay in your pad?
Peanuts – Uang yang sangat sedikit
I just have some peanuts in my pocket.
Pissed Off – Sangat jengkel
She’s pissed off because of him
Pit Stop – Singgah untuk menggunakan kamar mandi ketika sedang dalam perjalanan
I don’t know where we can find a pit stop.
Plastic – Kartu yang digunakan untuk transaksi elektronik
Wow, he has so many plastics in his wallet.
Poop - Kentut
You must stop your poop habit in the class.
Quarterback –Memimpin atau memulai
I want you to quarterback the undertaking
Quick Buck – Mudah mendapatkan uang
Many people must wanna make a quick buck.
Raw – Baru dan belum berpengalaman
She is raw in this company.
Razz - Mengganggu atau mengusik
Go away! You just razz me all the time.
Repo - Menyita
My boss will repo the car if you don’t pay the loan in 7 days.
Rocking – Hebat, mengagumkan
It’s a rocking experience for me.
Rug Rat – Anak kecil (yang baru belajar berjalan)
My friend’s rug rat is very cute.
Scarf Down – Makan dengan cepat atau terburu-buru
My father forbids me to scarf down the food.
Shades - Kacamata
I don’t like to use shades.
Shot – Mencoba sesuatu
I’ve had a shot to repair the car, but I can’t.
Smashed – Sangat mabuk
His wife is still angry. She found him smashed last night.
Straight – Jujur atau apa adanya
Tell me straight, please. I need to know it.
Sucks – Sesuatu yang mengerikan atau tidak diterima
Your reaction to the teacher was sucks.
Threads - Pakaian
I’m gonna give him some threads to wear.
Totalled – Rusak berat (mobil)
I’m still confused why he bought that totalled car.
Umpteen – Tidak dapat dihitung
You’ve given me umpteen help so far. So, let me help you right now.
Up – Gembira atau bersemangat
I like to see her feeling up.
Veg Out – Rileks, santai
You have to veg out. You’ve been working for twelve hours.
Vibes – Suasana atau perasaanGeneral atmosphere or feelings
I don’t wanna go there. It has bad vibes.
Wad – Sejumlah uang yang terkumpul dari beberapa orang
We will try to get a wad to help the victims.
Wheels - Mobil
Can I drive your wheels to the party?
Whiz – Sangat berbakat
You’re a whiz at football.
Wimp – Pengecut
Don’t be a wimp!
Yakety-yak – Obrolan atau ocehan
The woman is yakety-yakking with her neighbors.
Yes-man – Orang yang selalu hanya mengiyakan/menyetujui perkataan orang lain
My office is full of yes-men.
Yuck – Menjijikkan atau buruk
Yuck! I don’t wanna see that.
Zapped – Capek atau lelah
I was zapped last night so I slept early.
Zero – Orang yang tidak penting
You’re just a zero for them.
Zit - Jerawat
She struggles to clean the zits on her face.
Zonked Out – Tertidur dengan cepat nyenyak
Her husband zonked out when he arrived at home.
Itulah sembilan puluh sembilan slang yang bisa kami rangkum pada postingan kali ini. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kalian semua para pembaca setia blog ini. Jika terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan artikel ini, jangan segan-segan untuk menulis kritik dan saran kamu pada kolom komentar di bawah ini ya! Terima kasih :D
Artikel ini diolah dari http://www.englishleap.com/vocabulary/slang